1.The Nemean lion
2.The Lernean Hydra
3.The hind of Ceryneia
4.The Erymanthean Bear
5.The Augean Stables
6.The Stymphalian bird
7.The Cretan Bull
8.The Horses of Diomedes
9.The Belt Of Hippolyte
10.Geryon's cattle
11.The apples of the Hesperides


1.The Nemean lion 2.The Lernean Hydra 3.The hind of Ceryneia 4.The Erymanthean Bear 5.The Augean Stables 6.The Stymphalian bird 7.The Cretan Bull 8.The Horses of Diomedes 9.The Belt Of Hippolyte 10.Geryon's cattle 11.The apples of the Hesperides 12.Cerber

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