My Bestfriends! I Know
they're Not perfect but they mean so much to me! They Always Make my day πŸ’–


My Bestfriends! I Know they're Not perfect but they mean so much to me! They Always Make my day πŸ’–

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awwwwww πŸ˜‚β£β£
aww Nivia ❀️❀️😍😍
can't come over tomorrow morning I have to go to my grandmas house πŸ˜’πŸ™„πŸ‘΅πŸ»
dude that sucks πŸ˜’
ik right
Nivia she is not answering i don't know what to do
when she gets home I will tell her but just in case start getting ready
but I really need to know
she said it was fine get dropped off when u go pick up guess
I am calling
no one is answering
the phone is dead
call my mom
my mom said no she gets me so mad πŸ™„πŸ™„
oh ok well next time Nivia ttyl got to get ready
it's cuz u didn't put meπŸ˜”
I don't have pics of u
hi Nivia wyd