Collage by abcdefu-


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You’re absolutely gorgeous
I’m off work now sweetheart
*Holds you and grins looking at the ocean*
*Grins wide and looks at them* Woah..I’ve never seen any in person before
*Raises my eyebrows and looks at you grinning a bit more at your reaction* Well aren’t you lucky? *Walks out farther into the water holding you*
Hey hi um..well I was gonna don’t have to at all it’s just an offer..but if you want to stay at my place tonight, you’re welcome to. I could sleep on the couch if you’d be more comfortable. *Looks at you*
*Grins and nods kissing your forehead gently* Good, I’m glad
Mm really? I have to admit I’m quite a sxcker for blue eyes. Yours are beautiful *Grins softly*
*Chuckles and carefully sets you down wrapping my arms around your waist looking at the water* I’m serious
*Rests my chin on the top of your head* Just let me know when you’re tired and we can get going and I can make you some food
*Watches the waves grinning softly* Hey olivia?
Thank you..for making me so happy lately. I haven’t felt that way about anyone in a long time *Nods softly and looks at you*
*Grins wide looking at you for a moment slightly blushing at your touch* You’re so beautiful..
Good morning Angel
Why what’s the matter?
Want to take a nap?
You could come over and cuddle and sleep if you want to?
*Waits for you and cleans up a bit*
*Lays on my bed and waits for you*
*Comes to the door and opens it grinning down at you* Hey gorgeous
*Steps aside for you* I have snacks and stuff set up in my room if you’re comfortable with that? We could watch whatever you want
*Gently takes your hand leading you into my room and pulls back the covers for you*
*Pulls off my hoodie and lays next to you getting the remote*
*wraps my arms around your waist and grins* What’s your favorite movie?
*Nods and gently strokes your hair*
*Turns on the movie and puts my other arm around you holding you gently kissing the top of your head* You can sleep
*Watches the movie slowly rubbing your back*
*Looks down at you and grins softly gently brushing your hair out of your face-8
*Holds you close to my chest looking back at the movie*
*Rests my head against the bed frame and watches the movie glancing down at you as you start to wake*
*Looks down at you and grins* Hey beautiful. You feeling any better?
Good *gently kisses the top of your head*
*Watches the movie and yawns a little rubbing your waist with my thumb*
*Shakes my head and looks down at you* No I’m alright just a little sore
*Grins softly* It’s alright love. You’re tired. I’m okay I promise. *Holds you gently* Are you hungry?
I think so *Gets up and stretches* You want to wait in here or come with me?
It’s alright love
*Offers my arms out for you to carry you*
*Picks you up and walks to the kitchen setting you on the countertop and looks in the cupboard*
*Grins and comes back* I do have some *Starts making it for you and looks to you* You okay!
*Nods and waits for it to cook coming and standing between your legs*
I really like you olivia *Grins softly and rests my hands on your thighs*
*Grins slightly and glances at your lips*
*Grins leaning closer to you and kisses you back keeping my hands on your thighs
*Looks at you for a moment and grins* I’m not gonna lie I’ve been wanting to do that for a while
You’re’s hard not to act head over heels for you? *Grins a little*
Oh-Shzt *Goes over and takes it off the stove
Okay it’s not burnt *Chuckles and drains it finishing making it*
*Puts it into a bowl for you and sets it on the counter next to you and pokes your side laughing* You distracted me
*Chuckles and shakes my head turning around and cleaning up the water off the stove* eat your food gorgeous
Oh? Well you have to now, don’t leave me curious
*Chuckles and finishes cleaning up coming to sit next to you-8
*Grins and takes a bite of it wiping the edge of my mouth with my thumb*
I accidentally commented on my own remix
Mmm *Looks in the fridge* do you like orange juice? Or pineapple juice?
*Pours you a glass and grins slightly to myself* I’m not even sure why I have orange juice if I don’t like it
*Brings it to you and sets it next to you* I don’t think I’ve ever had a mimosa
Mm see I’m more of a whiskey or any other hárd alcohol type of guy *leans against the counter next to you*
*Chuckles and shrugs* I like it strong. Do you like twisted teas?
*Grins at the name and nods looking at you* Yeah that was one of the first things I used to drink
Mmm..I’ll remember that next time you come over *Grins and looks at you for a moment*
What do you want to do once you finish? *Looks in the mirror and fixes my hair*
*Thinks and stretches* i would say go out but it’s getting late
*Nods* yeah we can do that. And yeah of course. I wouldn’t want you to drive home this late anyways
You want to go pick a movie? I can take care of your bowl *Kisses the back of your head*
*Grins to myself and cleans up in the kitchen*
*Comes into the room and jumps onto the bed wrapping my arms around your waist*
*Grins resting my head on your chest and looks at the tv keeping my arms wrapped around your waist* mm
*Grins softly and slips my hands up the back of your shirt feeling the softness of your skin with my fingertips*
*Watches the movie and relaxes*
*Keeps my eyes on the screen rubbing your back with my finger tips under your shirt*
*Continues and watches the movie*
*Grins slightly and parts your legs to lay between them*
*Looks up at you and nods softly* is this okay with you?
*Looks back at the movie gently rubbing your thigh*
*Looks at you and chuckles slightly* oh-sorry
*Raises my eyebrows slightly and keeps my eyes on you grinning with a slight smirk* Use your words, what are you trying to say?
*Chuckles and looks back at the movie* Oh. That’s my bad I’m sorry *Grins to myself slightly*
*Shakes my head and grins looking up at you* Don’t be sorry. I would never want to make you uncomfortable
*Nods and keeps my eyes on you grinning reassuringly* It’s alright. I won’t do that again
*Wraps my arms around you again and watches the movie*
*Looks at you and frowns slightly* are you ok?
What? *Frowns and shakes my head* no I-..I’d never make you do anything you weren’t ready for. Besides..I don’t know if I am you know? Don’t feel bad
*Shakes my head and holds you* Don’t be sorry. Not even for a second. You did absolutely nothing wrong
*Watches the movie and yawns*
Good morning love❤️
Oh-I bought you some snacks before you got here *Points at the bedside table* I wasn’t sure what you liked so I got you a few different things
Mmm…Do you like gummy bears? *Looks for you*
*Gets them for you and lays back down on the bed*
Of course love *Grins softly and watches the movie*
What? You didn’t have to get me anything love *Looks at you and tilts my head*
I just met her?
*Chuckles and closes my eyes* okay they’re closed
I won’t talk to her then. But she wouldn’t steal me away, I want you not her
*Keeps them closes and grins a little*
No. If she makes you question if she’d take me away or make you upset then I won’t talk to her
*Opens them and looks down at it* I feel bad I didn’t get you anything? *Carefully unwraps it and grins at the picture* Oh my goodness
Sweetheart, you don’t need to feel bad for that at all. I don’t feel bad about you telling me. I’m glad you did.’s kind of cute seeing you get a bit jealous
*Grins and kisses your cheek looking back down at the picture* I love it *Carefully sets it on the nightstand* I needed some pictures since I recently moved in
Of course it’s okay love
*Takes it and opens it* I-a watch? How much did you spend on this?
To her?
*Watches you and grins softly as you put it on* Thank you for this. But you really didn’t have to get me anything
Oh? Why didn’t you?
Well thank you honey. I appreciate it *Grins and tucks your hair out of your face*
How so?
Hey. I have an idea if you’re up for it *Grins and sits up*
You do realize you told me you loved me in that paragraph..right?
Good. You can’t say no. But I’m gonna take you shopping *Gets up and goes to the closet pulling my shirt off to put on a new one*
*Shrugs and looks at you picking out a grey t shirt* Because I feel like spoiling you
Mmmhm you did:)
*Slips it on and shakes my and walking over to you* nope. Now get up and let’s go
*Grins and gets my wallet slipping my shoes on*Ready?
*Gets my keys and slips my wallet into the pocket of my sweats as I wait for you*
*Grins and offers my hand to you opening the door*
*Unlocks the trucks and opens the door for you* where do you want to go first?
*Nods and gets in after you slipping on my hat from the backseat and starts the car*
*Drives and glances at you
*Grins and holds your hand resting my fist on your lap*
*Drives and grins slightly* It’s cute when you do that *Looks at you and parks*
*Grins and looks at you resting my head against the headrest* that. Just little things like that *Brings your hand to my lips softly kissing your fingers*
Trust me you do the same for me. I don’t think I’ve smiled this much..ever *Looks at you for a moment and clears my throat* Ready?
*Chuckles and gets out coming to you* Are you okay?
*Holds your hand and walks with you looking around* okay where first
*Looks down at you and shakes my head* It’s not a waste baby. I want to do this
*Walks in with you and looks around*
*Leans down and smells it nodding a bit* that one’s good
Here *Gets a bag and holds it open for you to put the lotion in*
*Follows and looks around a little at everyone*
*Follows your gaze and slightly frowns keeping my eyes on him as I smell it nodding faintly* Mhm-
*Looks back down at you keeping close to your side occasionally glancing up to look at him clenching my jaw slightly*
*Chuckles slightly and looks at you* What? That one doesn’t smell good?
I don’t really like that on-*Scrunches my nose a bit at the smell of the candle looking up at the guy as we walks closer over to you*
*Shakes my head and goes with you speaking under my breath* I swear to god if I have to beat this guys aśs right now I’m not gonna be happy
*Frowns slightly slipping my free hand into my pocket and nods*
*Nods and holds your hand glancing over at him* Yeah let’s go. We can come back here another time.
*Looks down at you gently rubbing your hand with my thumb* Hey it’s alright.
*Stops walking and holds your cheeks gently in my hands to look up at me* Hey..I promise you. Nothing is going to happen to you. I won’t let him do anything
*Wraps my arms around you and whispers* I’ve got you I promise
*Walks with you and holds your hand continuing to rub your hand* You want to look at some clothes?
*Nods and walks with you kissing your hand and going into the store*
*looks around a little with you keeping close to you*
I like those too. You want to try them on? *Looks at you and don’t at some of the clothes *
*Nods and grins slipping my hands into my pockets as I sit and wait*
*looks on my phone as I wait*
*Looks up from my phone and grins* gimme a spin
Mm I like those on you *Nods and grins resting my chin on my palm*
Whatever you want Angel *Grins and flips my hat around waiting for you*
Mm…I kinda need a new pair of sweats but idk *Stands up*
*Follows you* we don’t have tooo
*looks at them rubbing my lips* what color do you like?
I’ll do grey. I don’t have any grey ones *Picks them up*
*Holds them and continues to look around with you*
*Looks at a dress and looks at you* What do you think of this?
You should get one *Looks at it and grins*
(sorry sweetheart I’m at work*
*Picks up a white one and holds it up to you* this one
*Walks with you* you want anything else?
Hi sweetheart
*Gets my card out and buys everything*
What? Why?
*Holds the bag of clothes and looks down at you grinning softly* Anywhere else?
I’m so sorry love. I would’ve been here if I could
*Holds your hand gently kissing it and walks out with you looking for the shoe store*
*Walks into the store with you gently running your hand with my thumb* you alright
*Kisses your head and looks around with you* okay good
Hi Angel
*Goes with you and checks my phone*
So long. I accidentally fell asleep I’m sorry
Did you work today? How was your day?
*Frowns at my phone a little and slips it into my pocket* Oh those are nice
You okay?
*Shakes my head* nothing. Are you gonna get those?
Okay good:)
Okay. We can go back to my place if you want? *Holds out my hand*
*Looks at you in confusion and notices him frowning as I do* Just ignore him. If he tries to talk to you he’s gonna regret it. Let’s just go to the truck
*Looks down at you and walks behind a wall so you can see him and holds your face gently as I try to calm you down* Breathe. You’re okay, I’m right here love just breathe
*Hugs you and takes deep breathes with you* It’s okay
*Kisses your head and waits for you to calm down*
*Shakes my head and grins* don’t be sorry sweetheart
*Nods and holds your hand walking towards the truck*
see, told you you’d be okay *Grins and opens the door for you*
*Puts the bags in the back and gets in the drivers side* You hungry?
Good morning Angel. How’d you sleep?
Same here. I’m exhausted
No I’m off today
Ugh:( I’m sorry love. Do you work long?
Also I apologize for the slow replies I was showering
Well I’ll be here whenever you are love. I miss you I’m sorry I’ve been working so much
Okay Angel. Be safe❤️
Hi Angel
You’re drunk?
Okay I’m gonna come over don’t do anything dumb please be safe baby I’ll be there soon
I’m almost there
what love?
*Gets there and knocks*
Baby it’s me *Waits*
*Looks at you and raises my eyebrows grinning slightly* yet. How much have you drank?
*Kneels down in front of you and helps you put your shoes on* Do I need to drive your friend home?
*Helps you get up and holds you up chuckling and looks to your friend*. do you need help too?
Okay well thank you *Holds you up and walks you to the truck*
*Puts you in the truck and helps your friend in* Thank you
*Reaches over and buckles you up and hands your friend my phone* wanna out in your address for me?
*Starts the truck and drives glancing over at you and hands you some water* drink this please
*Looks at you and opens the cap with my teeth* baby please. *Pulls up to your friends house*
Yeah of course. *Grins and waves to her and looks to you after she leaves* I don’t think you could be alone
*Chuckles and starts the truck* sure you aren’t *Drives towards my apartment*
*Gently rubs your head and drives*
*Parks and gets out helping you out* You can go inside. *Gets inside and opens the bathroom door for you*
*Waits for you and gets you some clothes to change into*
*Looks over at you from the bedroom* come here sweetheart
*Grins and kisses the top of your head and gestures at the clothes* You change okay? I’ll be out here when you’re done
*Holds you and grins rubbing your back* you need sleep
*Looks away as you change and pulls down the covers for you* here we can cuddle so you can sleep?
What’s wrong? *Yawns and pulls my shirt off laying next to you*
*Opens my arms for you* come here baby
*Puts my arms around you gently rubbing your back*
Did you really only have two drinks? Or are you lying to me? *Looks at you and tucks your hair from your face*
*Kisses your forehead* How much?
*Shakes my head and yawns* Are you a light weight?
Well once you sober up I have something to talk to you about *Lets you sleep and holds you*
*Rubs your back and closes my eyes*
okay love
*Falls asleep
*Wakes up and comes into the bathroom* Oh- *Moves your hair from your face and holds it for you*
*Gets you some water* I’m sorry love
*Rubs your back and puts your hair up carefully* Can you try to drink some of this for me sweetheart?
Thank you Angel *Sits on the floor with you rubbing your leg gently as I look at you* is there anything you need?
*Holds you in my arms and leans my back against the wall*
*Carefully picks you up trying not to wake you and lays you on the bed pulling the blankets over you*
*Lays with you on my side wrapping my arms around you from behind*
*Gently rubs your stomach and closes my eyes*
*Falls asleep still holding onto you*
*Sleeps next to you and wakes up*
*Looks over at you and grins softy as I admire you*
*Scrolls on my phone and waits for you to wake up*
*Looks down at you and kisses your forehead speaking softly to you* You hungry love?
Do you want some Tylenol? *Sits up a little and rubs your cheek with my thumb*
Okay I’ll be right back. *Stands up and goes to the bathroom getting the bottle of Tylenol*
*Brings it to you and sits on the edge of the bed getting it out for you*
It’ll help you feel better I promise *Looks at you*
*Rubs your back and sets the glass of water on the bedside table as you’re finished*
Was that your first time? *Frowns a bit and let’s you lay on my chest*
*Nods* Oh-I forgot I got you something *Stands up and goes into another room* Close your eyes
*Comes back into the room and holds a bouquet of flowers in my hand* You can open now
*Chuckles and nods with a grin* Of course they are. I wasn’t sure what your favorite was so I just got roses
Oh-good *Grins and hugs you gently* I also wanted to ask you something?
Well I really like you. And I want to see where this goes. But I want to be official with you
Yeah? *Grins wide and looks at you* So you’ll be my girlfriend then?
*Grins and kisses your forehead happily*
I could barely wait to ask you *Grins down at you*
*Grins and looks at you* Yeah? Well I’m glad I finally did
*Grins and kisses you back holding your waist*
*Grins* We should do something today
*Stretches and thinks* Mmm…what haven’t we done yet?
It’s 12 for me. But I have work later:(
The fair would be fun *Nods and stands up* Do you have everything you need or do we need to go to your place?
In about an hour
Okay good *Kisses your head and goes to the closet-8
I’m sorry love. I wish I didn’t have to go, I really do
You want to help me find something to wear? *Looks over at you and grins a little*
I’ll miss you too sweetheart
*Looks through some of the shirts*
*Nods and gets it pulling off my shirt and slipping it on*
*Slips on a pair of jeans and looks at you* this look okay?
I’ll go out so you can change *Goes into the kitchen*
*Waits for you and puts my shoes on*
*Grins* you look beautiful
What color??
I’m finally off work love
You ready to go? *Grins and offers my hand*
When are you going to sleep?
*Goes out to the truck and opens the door for you*
*Gets in after you and starts the truck*
*Grins at the nickname and puts my hand on your thigh as I drive* me too love
I don’t remember the last time I went to the fair *Looks over at you*
*Nods and grins* I was probably ten
*Grins over at you and returns my attention back to the road gently rubbing your thigh with my thumb* We most definitely will
*Scoffs and glances at it as I park* me? nah. Not at all..
*Shakes my head and grins quickly getting out* I never lie. *Opens your door*
*Holds your hands and walks over to get tickets*
*Hands you the tickets and grins kissing the back of your hand* Where to first?
*Grins and nods walking to it and handing the worker two tickets* I’ve never been on one of these before
*Gets in with you and chuckles* oh god
*Looks down at the ground* Huh that’s not bad actually. That’s barely off the ground.
Oh- *Sits back down and glances at the ground* -Fxxk
*Shakes my head looking straight ahead of me* Nope. Not scared. I don’t get scared.
*Bites my bottom lip slightly and slowly looks over at you with a slight grin* Oliva. Come back. right fxxking now *Grins a bit more and chuckles slightly*
Jesus fxxking christ *Glances down as it’s going higher and instantly grabs you pulling you back to me*
*Shakes my head and looks at you grinning a little* I just wanted you to come over here
*Shakes my head laying my head against your neck so I can’t see* Ooh- that’s…greaaat
*Chuckles and pecks your neck sitting back up* Maybe I just wanted to be closer to you?
*Looks at the bottom* Woah.
*Grabs the edge and follows your gaze* The rollercoaster? *Chuckles and pokes your side* Stoppp
*Raises my eyebrows and grins slightly* Those are two very dangerous words love
*Grins as I look at you* because I’ll actually do it
*Turns your face to me by your chin and grins slightly, kissing your lips slowly*
*Grins and pulls away teasingly as the ride lowers*
*Chuckles and kisses you back getting off the ride afterwards* We didn’t die
*Chuckles and follows you holding your hand*
I’m surprised you aren’t afraid to go on this *Looks down at you and grins*
Rollercoasters are my favorite *Grins and gives the worker the tickets going to the seats*
*Chuckles and shrugs* I like the adrenaline rush. *Looks at you and grins*
*Looks at you and holds your hand* Are you scared?
*Grins and holds your hand kissing your head* It’s okay baby
*Chuckles and holds your arm*
It’s okay it’s almost over *Lets you hold onto me*
*Looks at you as it’s finished and grins a little* you alright?
*Chuckles and gets out holding your hand* where next?
*Kisses your hand and looks around* the swings
*Walks over with you* We should go night swimming later. If you’re down
Okay good *Gets on the ride with you*
*Chuckles and scoots to the seat closest to you and straps in* better?
*Kisses your cheek and grins* it’s alright, we can cuddle later to make up for it. *Offers my hand to you as the seats rise*
*Grins and looks towards the sunset as it spins*
Ooh look look *Points* you can see the beach from up here!
*Looks over at you and grins looking back at the view*
*Grins and shakes my head to myself* you’re so know that?
What? I don’t get to call my girlfriend that? *Grins and gets out as the ride is over*
Okay okay I’ll stop I promise *Chuckles* baby come back
*Holds your hand and grins* okay what now beautiful
*Nods and looks around at the food trucks* What sounds good?
Mm…pizza *Nods and walks over with you*
*Nods and grins* do you like pizza? *Looks at the menu on the food cart
Sligtly buti it’s okay
comes herrerr
^Grins an hugs youi* mmmh hi
shiii youreso prety baby *grins wide
shaks my head and holdsyour hands pulling you sits down withm me+ mhmhh
*nods spatting my lap witha griN* come heere
*GrinS andholds your hips^ mine
*ksses your lips backk and rests my hands ony your thighs below yoir hips
Mm il love you *grins resting m head back on the couch**
noo justyou thts all iwant *Wraps my arms saround you*
*shakes my heaD and grins tiltijg my head for you*
ic can get it *Stans up and doesnt move chcukling a little*
*gets dizzy an sits bakc down^* im not thirsty
Hm? *Looks at you*
I don’t care babe I want you to be that girl. If something makes you upset or uncomfortable then tell me about it. You’d want me to do the same wouldn’t you?
I’ve been friends with her for a long time I promise you theres nothing romantic between us whatsoever. I think she’s actually talking to one of my friends
Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you told me ok? im not mad at you
Ready? *Holds my hand out for you*
*Walks out to the truck with you and helps you get in*
Of course Angel *Gets in the truck and buckled up, driving towards the store*
*Reaches over and holds your thigh grinning slightly at your singing*
*Grins and sings with you quietly as I drive*
*Parks and unbuckles looking over at you* I love you
*Gets out of the truck and opens your door for you*
*Nods and looks for it rubbing your knuckles with my thumb*
*Gets one and looks at you* Anything else?
*Gets them and gets some flowers*
For you silly *Chuckles and scans everything*
*Grins and scans the rest paying for all of it and putting everything into a bag handing you the flowers* So?
Of course Angel *Grins and starts to walk back to the truck with you*
*Unlocks the truck and puts the groceries in the back* Do we need to go anywhere else?
*Opens the door and picks you up buckling your seatbelt*
*Closes your door and gets in buckling up and pulling out*
*Glances over to you and grins slightly* You act like you’ve never been given flowers before
What? *Looks at you and frowns in confusion* Never? No one’s ever given you flowers?
Well you’ll have to get used to it then *Grins and drives*
*Grins and parks turning your face to me by your chin, kissing your lips for a moment* Of course Angel
*Grabs the groceries and gets out opening the door for you and unlocks the front door* I might have one in the cupboard by the fridge
*Chuckles and goes inside after you kicking my shoes off and putting the ice cream in the freezer*
*Puts everything else away*
*Grins slightly and looks in the fridge* Do you want anything to drink?
*Sits on the couch and gets a blanket* What movie baby?
Mmm *Looks on the tv and gets comfortable*
*Puts my arm around you* Have you seen the wolf of Wall Street ?
Eh you probably wouldn’t like it unless you’re one of those girls obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio
*Looks for a movie and rubs your waist*
*Turns on tangled*
**Watches the movie and let’s you lay your head on my best*
*Holds your leg and watching the movie gently lifting your hand to my lips resting it against them*
*Grins softly and watches the movie feeling the softness of your hand on my lips*
Do you want me to get it for you? *Looks at you and sits up a little*
Mmm just a little bit *Nods and grins* thank you Angel
*Rests my head against the palm of my hand and glances over at you from the tv grinning softly*
*Looks back at the tv*
Thank you gorgeous *Grins and takes it*
*Kisses your temple and takes a bite of mine*
*Pulls my hood on and pulls the blanket up a little*
*Pulls you closer to me and sets mine on the table wrapping both my arms around you*
Kind of *Nods and looks at you*
*Grins and holds you gently rubbing your back*
*Closes my eyes a little resting my head against the couch*
*Starts to fall asleep resting my head on my arm*
*Opens my eyes and looks around a bit confused* huh? Hm?
*Nods and sits up rubbing my eyes and stands up walking towards the bedroom*
*Pulls off my hoodie and pulls the covers down sitting on the bed*
*Lays down on my stomach looking at you speaking tiredly* It’s probably because I’m sore
*Nods and yawns*
*Grins softly and closes my eyes rubbing the side of your cheek with my thumb* I love you
*Kisses you back and lays on my back pulling your leg over me and closes my eyes*
*Relaxes and starts to fall asleep*
I’m sorry baby. I’m finally off work now. How was the appointment?
what’s wrong?
Okay…I’m sorry if I did anything
I’m right here baby
You can talk to me
What? Is that what the appointment was for today?
Are you okay?
So you won’t ever be able to have kids?
You can tell me how you’re feeling
what do you mean other options?
I’m so sorry Angel…I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do?
*Hugs you to my chest speaking softly* It’s okay
*Holds you tightly but gently resting my head on yours*
*Picks you up and holds you* Shh…breathe. Deep breaths
*Holds you up rubbing your back with my other hand speaking quietly* good girl. Keep taking deep breaths for me
*Sighs softly in relief as you do walking into the bedroom as I hold you*
*Lays sits on the bed still holding you being careful not to wake you as I do*
*Holds you against my chest stroking the back of your head to help you relax*
*Looks down at you setting my phone down*
*Grins softly rubbing the back of your head* Hi princess
You sleep okay? *Holds you sliding my hand under the back of your shirt, rubbing your back*
Don’t be sorry. I wasn’t upset about it at all. It helped you relax *Nods softly at you*
I’m not mad or disappointed you know? I know this must be hard for you
*Nods and holds you in my arms* okay
I love you too baby *Kisses your forehead*
*Looks down at you and grins* Sure. Who is it?
Well I’m happy to help you *Nods and stretches* she won’t mind?
Mmm good *Holds you and kisses your cheek*
Good. I don’t want you to. *Grins and smirks* that means you can’t escape either
*Chuckles and wraps my arms around you a bit more* You’re so cute
*Holds you and lays down*
Good morning Angel *grins and kisses your lips*
How did you sleep? *yawns*
*Stretches and holds you*