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It seems like Bambi is the only way some people can actually realize animals have feelings too and that they shouldn't be killed


Click Here! It seems like Bambi is the only way some people can actually realize animals have feelings too and that they shouldn't be killed

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I think Bambi is the worst movie ever (not because it's against hunting) but because I start bawling everytime I watch it
and it's my right to hunt, and you have absolutely no power to take that away from me.
So any time you feel emotions you block them out and hate everything that makes you have feelings? Nice to know the only emotion you seem to feel is anger.
Funny how the hunter cries when they see the real picture
Did I ever say I was going to take away "your rights" don't think so. Plus, someday people will be smarter and hunting won't even exist, eating meat in general probably won't exist.
you have the right of freedom of speech but that doesn't mean you should say everything you want @c-s
so you have the right to hunt which can't be taken away but that doesn't mean you should hunt
don't abuse your rights
I'm a very emotional person?? I cry during a lot of movies. and I love how I just said that I cry during Bambi but you say that my only emotion is anger??
You cry, but you block it out because you don't want to feel what so many other people feel from you
I block it out because I don't want people to know that what they say affects me. ^
What about Bambi?
Bambi didn't offend me, it's just a sad movie. you're talking about a completely different thing than I am. ^
And it makes you sad because...
^it makes me sad because it's emotional^
And why is it emotional?
You're kind of digging yourself into a hole here 😂
^its emotional because that movie gives the animals unrealistic human emotions, so to me it's just like a little boy's father is being killed. that's why it's emotional.
Animals actually feel a lot of emotions, they're not just senseless, emotionless, pieces of meat that walk around, they can feel grief
And it was Bambi's mother who was killed by hunters
Here watch this video, it's funny and according to you it's right because Bambi is a human
I agree that we shouldn't kill animals but technically it isn't murder because murder means the unlawful act of one human killing another so it's not murder not that I don't agree I love animals and am a vegetarian
veggie powers ACTIVATE!!!!
but yet killing a child is not...
And when did I say killing a child is not murder?
YES!!! I am vegan and I'm glad you are standing up for animal rights. just because they can't speak doesn't mean there not important. 🐷