1. 11 years old. 2. A sharpener blade. 3. Wrists, ribs, upper arm, ankle and neck. 4. Yes. 5. 4 months. 6. Yes. 7. Yes but it's so addicting I can't stop. 8. 2 days. 9. A handful of people. 10. Nope. 11. Nope. 12. No one really.


1. 11 years old. 2. A sharpener blade. 3. Wrists, ribs, upper arm, ankle and neck. 4. Yes. 5. 4 months. 6. Yes. 7. Yes but it's so addicting I can't stop. 8. 2 days. 9. A handful of people. 10. Nope. 11. Nope. 12. No one really.

125 3
I'm gonna do this ok? 😂
ok :)
oh sorry I thought 9 was 10... um I just got outta therapy but by parents who think I'm ok. THINK.
why do u follow a horrible hate page?
7. Don't be so sure you can't stop. It's not impossible. It's just really frįckin hard. 🌷
plz stop cutting. Its not healthy nor worhty, your life is much more worthy than a piece of gold, remember theres people who care about you and who love you
even if you aren't religious, I'll pray for you
a year ago, razor and scissors, wrist, not many, five months, yes, sometimes but it's addicting, 21, not many, yes, yes, friend
guys, I hate to hear about all you guy's stories about cutting yourself. Your body is perfect, you many not be perfect because we are all human, and we all mess up sometimes. If you feel like nobody loves you, that's not true, God loves you. He would not want any of you to hurt yourselves in any way, I love you too.