


88 3
hi Chloe
that is so sad and true
hi rito a
I mean ritoja
they are misunderstood . in the 1800s they protected babies from robbers
are you aware you just followed a hate page
it's so cute
i love pitbulls
my friend Eva would scream and start going toward the dog, haha!
it's not their fault they ( might be) are mean, it's their owner treats them.
people think they are bad and bite people more than other dogs, but the thing is... it just hurts more because they have the strongest bite, it is the same as when other dogs bite, it just hurts more, they can't help that! they are just trying to protect themselves! if the owner isn't a good owner and doesn't teach them what is right and what is wrong, they will misbehave! it is the owner's fault, same thing with other dogs! (about the owner thing!)πŸ˜”πŸ‘πŸ»πŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆ
** misunderstood
They are cute!