Me and my beautiful boy Jefferson in 2014! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜€β€οΈ


Me and my beautiful boy Jefferson in 2014! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜€β€οΈ

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Meant Hi sorry
what were were we talking about
I don't know! Lol
I don't think we were talking about anything know that I think about it lets just talk about Haiti
sounds good!
our experience in Haiti is what I meant
did you cry in Haiti
yes a lot
me to I was crying all day I had to tell my self not to cry
do you know Ernso
I had to do that too! No I don't think I know him
oh sorry I keep going out of the subject but are you homeschooled
no and I up to talk about whatever
ok how many times have you been to Haiti
4 times
wow I have only been 2 but we are going back in July or August
that's cool!
my first time going was when I was 5
we should like plan a trip to go to Haiti togetherπŸ‡­πŸ‡Ή
yes my next time going I will post something and maybe you could ask your mom about it
yah I will
when is your birthday?
cool! my mom has went but she doesn't want to go again so it might be a log time before my Mamaw can talk my mom into letting me go, but it would still be fun!
March 25 is my birthday what is your?
yah or my mom could take us my mom loves it so much my whole family wants to move there
cool!! when's your birthday
do you know Tawua he was a my lusannt orphanage
I do not know if I am spelling it right
I will send you a picture of him my mom loves him so much it is the only reason she goes down there
yes I know him!!
isn't he so cute
I know right.
when we got there he was so sick he had bug flying a round him his lip was infected we took him to the doctor and the nurse gave him seven prescriptions that how sick he was all day my mom was crying we took him to the beach and he had so much fun. my mom wants to adopt him so bad
he ate 4 sandwiches for lunch and had a big dinner and when it was dinner time he got his plate he had a big grin on his face everyone is late I don't think I've ever seen a smile before
Hey sorry I have to go do you want to talk tonight about Haiti at 9:00?
sounds good talk to you then
ok bye