Shoutout to.... 
Go help her and boost her confidence on Pic Collage! you don't want to be the reason she quits! DoYou????
#Follow Her!


Shoutout to.... PugsChillX Go help her and boost her confidence on Pic Collage! you don't want to be the reason she quits! DoYou???? #Follow Her!

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hey would you like me to make you an icon?
if you do comment on my recent things you like, eg. colours, and things you like
Yeah! I'd really like to do that! But why me???
I mean.... Thanks I'd really love that! Sorry misread your comment! Okay I'll do that now!
ok now, do you want anything on it in particular eg, flowers, celebrity, animal?
ok making it now
also I need to have something to make the feature of the icon, do you have a fave celebrity, YouTube, animal?