xD repost (pls tap)

I totally messed up this quote the first time I made this collage, since I was doing it from memory, so now I'm pretty sure I've got it right. Yays! Also, I know, my grammar is terrible. It's on purpose. I do have grammar, I promise!


xD repost (pls tap) I totally messed up this quote the first time I made this collage, since I was doing it from memory, so now I'm pretty sure I've got it right. Yays! Also, I know, my grammar is terrible. It's on purpose. I do have grammar, I promise!

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oh noes it cut off my caption ;-;
I had this great rant about my grammar running off into a field of deadly flowers 🌺
xD would deadly flowers even look like hibiscuses
wait, what's the plural of hibiscus?? hibiscuses? hibiscus? hibisci?
Re:// haha 😂😂😂