yay u listened👽
mood: 😕
check comments maybe?👌🏼


tap yay u listened👽 mood: 😕 check comments maybe?👌🏼

9 0
so my day has been pretty messed up.👇🏼
my friend convinced me to go on this one ride at the fair called the fireball.
it was one huge roller coaster and all it was was, one big hoop
it swayed back and fourth and then quickly went upside down
first of all, it had no seatbelts
second, we got stuck at the top
third, I almost fell out of the roller coaster bc it had no roof
fourth, we got stuck at the top
we were hanging upside down for at least 7 minutes
fifth, it was very loud and rusty
sixth, my rainbow lokai fell out😳
seventh, the only reason we didn't fall was bc we were holding onto the side door like it was Melanie Martinez
oh but it doesn't end there. comment if ur reading these and if I get enough I will tell u
then my friend convinced me to go on another ride
this one had little cages that u sat in the moved around like a ferris wheel
while it was moving in a circular motion, they were spinning
one, I barfed on it
two, my hair got stuck in the cage
three, we got fricking stuck again!!
oh but it gets worse
after that, we decided to get lemonade
it was the kind they shake by hand
in mine, there were giant chunks of lemon and sugar cubes in it
yes, sugar cubes
oh but it gets worse
my friend called me a loser and ditched me for the popular girls from my school
so basically I just walked around by myself the rest of the time
oh and there were also no clean port a pottys
no explanation needed^^