@dylan and luke


@dylan and luke

4 0
which means
no gf until the right one comes😤😰
fine rat jeez
rat rat rat and hey u know I'm not gay well like half gay but hey there can be a boy but I highly doubt tht so hejdkdkqmq
go find urself a rly hot guy😍😍😍😍💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
shït wait im taken
u sure r
I'll try to find a guy tht doesn't post pictures of his abs
dude ur not getting a bf then soz😰😰
fúck you right😰😰😰
i know I am 😤😤shït all these dudes on here fûckbois smh
ik literally five minutes into the convo they're like "so you wanna fùck"
hey shay so you wanna fûck
nasty ašs
also hèll no
im offended
I would never let something that crusty come near me
hey shay so you wanna fûck
yw :)
hèll naw
why u so rude to that poor dude shay smh
bc he sucks
i got a séxy bf anyways 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
stfú u guys r so rood😰😰😤😤😤😤
im amazing stfû
keep telling yourself tht
i will