Collage by leafyisnothere


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leave her alone
füćk õff. your the one being a bítćh who's cowering behind a computer when you can't even show your own face. Imagine if we were in real life. You wouldn't have the bâlls to even look at me because 1 I actually have friends to fend for me 2 your probably some 10 year old who doesn't even understand what words your saying. It's one thing to mess with me but to mess with my friends, you got another thing coming
bïtćh u better run cuz she ain't the one to play with. Start running now cuz she is coming after u with scissors😂😂
heh heh. what did I tell you. I got friends to back me up. 😏
please leave
what person would actually be fool to befriend you. Your heartless and find humor in "hurting" people. Tbh your not effecting me.
😂😂 just Jamie ur fakeness makes me laugh so hard
for your information, Jack_Winters is a boy, I've actually hung out with him in person before, and met Just_Jamie before too, and unlike someone *cough, cough* you *cough, cough* their really good people, so before you hate on someone next time and try saying that their just a fake or their not really their own gender, you should really check to see who your hating on first and who their friends are, also I think you need to work a little harder on your insults, you oxygen-breathing fish
N0_0ne really likes you
LOLL. i come back years later to see this 💀.
i hope you’re a lonely person though now 🤭.