Another fabulous collage by the amazing @mgtaylor! Thank you so much 😘


Another fabulous collage by the amazing @mgtaylor! Thank you so much 😘

13 0
😘 😘 I would love to co-own with you, but it’s up to you πŸ’›
Yay! Would you like the password?
sure! I will make a β€œspecially collage” while I am on. is there any rules that I need to know?
Yay! There's not many rules but obviously don't tell anyone password, when you make a collage just say created by @mgtaylor, etc.
ok 😊 I got it
Ok πŸ‘Œ
Did it work?
Also, 2 others own this account as well, me (on my main) and @audreyhepburn24
I am excited to be working with you all. 😘 yes, it worked. I hope you like it 😊
Love it! 😘
yay! thank you 😘