(: doing the celebrity ships after this


(: doing the celebrity ships after this

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i hate them but love them so so much and i cant get them out of my mind they're the most fascinating thing on earth and i feel grateful i have the chance to even be their friend but god i love them and i hate myself because i want more and thatll make things complicated but i never believed in love before I thought it was idíotic and a social construct now im a mess
-Sometimes it annoys me to see those really great artist get upset about their art. Sometimes it's okay because they may not get the feedback they want/need, but when they get the most feedback anyone can ever get and they get sad because their art isn't being "acknowledged enough" really just makes me ashamed and a little mad sometimes. I'm sorry, I really just wanted to let that out even though it was horribly mean, I'm sorry. Once again, I'm sorry.