🏡9β€’18β€’22🏡 summer went too fast πŸ˜”
hey yall!! me and my neighbor had youth group today 😊 I got laughed at for praying for someone there :/ anyway, hru all? school has been soo stressful atm. q:smth dumb you used to say?


🏡9β€’18β€’22🏡 summer went too fast πŸ˜” hey yall!! me and my neighbor had youth group today 😊 I got laughed at for praying for someone there :/ anyway, hru all? school has been soo stressful atm. q:smth dumb you used to say?

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gorgeous ❀️
this is so gorgeous omgπŸ˜­πŸ’•
aotd: um too many to think of…
i would say but it’s so embarrassing πŸ’”πŸ’”
AMAZING HANNAH 🀩 aotd: uh... don't even ask me 😭-
BEAUTIFUL HANNAH!!! how are you?
Ahhhhhhh stunning as usual loving the fall collage, aotd: It’s too embarrassing to say haha
@caption aww that was mean of them :(. aotd: it was a big thing in 4th grade to say β€œdoiy” instead of duh for some reason?-
I’m sure I have many more stupid sayings tho haha
🚨 guys laia says goodbye and she loves you all so much. she’s planning to act on suicide again so any messages please send!! 🚨
also this is STUNNINGGG ✨
This is so pretty ❀
so pretty
aotd: "I have a crush on **** ******" πŸ™„
SOSO STUNNING!! how are you?? πŸ’•
this is so stunning! 😍