I love you Duncan


I love you Duncan -matthew

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love you too babe
*smiles and hugs you tight*-M
I'm on m *hugs tight*
yay! *hugs back* i love you
love you sweetie *kisses forehead*
*giggles and kisses your cheek*
cutie *kisses your nose playfully*
*blushes and giggles again* dork
your dork *kisses your ear*
*blushes more* says the weirdo who kisses peoples ears
*bites your ear* I thought you knew I was weird. but I'm your weirdo
*blushes and shivers a bit * thats rigt you are.
you cold cutie?
*smiles* little bit
*gives you my sweatshirt* better?
*when I take it off my shirt comes up*
*blushes like crazy and nods, looking down shyly* thank you
no problem anything for my baby *kisses you eye* I gotta go to sleep cutie talk to you tomorrow
I'm gonna miss you but you'll be in my dreams love you cute stuff
okay. bye bye. i love you * kisses you quickyly * youre one of the best things to ever happen to me
aww your one of the best things that happened to me too *kisses*
*smiles and kisses back happily*
love you m hope you sleep good tonight you mean the world to me baby never leave me cute stuff love you *kisses your lips then your ear*
*giggles and kisses back * id never leave you. i love you so so much and i dont ever want to let you go. *hugs you tightly* good night
love you too cutie *hugs*
* hugs back, nuzzling into your chest*
*puts my chin on your head* love you cute stuff
*giggles and hugs you tighter * i love you so much more
*gets closer to you* love you the mostest
thats not a word dork * smiles and cuddles closer to you*
ugh I love you so much *kisses your ear*
*giggles and kisses your nose * i love you more. youre the worlds greatest person
you're the bestest person ever ever *kisses your eye lid*
*smiles and kisses your lips softly *
*kisses back and closes eyes slowly*
*wraps my arms around your neck*
*wraps arms around your waist*
*presses my body against your and kisses you cheek* loveeeeee youuuuu
*giggles and hugs your waist* looooooovvvvveeeee yyyyyoooouuuuu tttttooooo
*kisses you and puts my hands on your shoulder*
night baby I love you I hope you sleep good and I'll talk to you tomorrow I'll be dreaming about you cute stuff night m love you
goodnight! i love you so much! have good dreams baby *kisses you quickly*
hey love bug ^-^
hey hunny -M
how's my baby? *hugs*
*smiles and hugs back* im good. were all gonna go to the saints game tonight
awesome sounds fun boo gonna miss you tho
*giggles a bit* sorry...wanna hang oyt for now? i dont have to go for a while
hey cutie I'm on now *kisses your forehead*
sorry....i was at the saints game....imma sleep now *says lazily, eyes slowly starting to close*
hey... you up?
yeah....i had jiu jitsu then now i have to take care of my baby sister-M
well Matthew if you don't really care... bye
wait what!?-M
*panics and tears up* what are you talking about!? i never said i didnt care!
it just seems like it...
how!? ive been checking your comments and i never got a reply when i asked what was wrong! *still teary eyed * -M
when I told you what was wrong you didn't say anything I just figured you didn't care like everyone else
you never did! all i saw was i dont really wanna talk about it! then when i said im always here for you, you never replied
no I said I don't know I guess and I did reply on another collage
i didnt see it...
*looks down* it's my fault sorry
*hugs you tightly* no its not. im sorry. i shouldve looked at your other collages*looks down*
it's never your fault *lifts your chin up and kisses you*
*smiles slightly and kisses back*
don't get sad over me I'm fine
you sure? *keeps hugging you*
yeah I'll be ok *hugs tighter*
*smiles and snuggles into your arms* i love you
love you *snuggles into your chest*
*smiles and kisses your head* i love you more
nah uh I love you more *draws a heart on your back with my fingers
*giggles* that tickles
*starts tickling you* I iz ze tickle monster
*laughs loudly and squirms around*
youz cannot escapez ze tickle monster
*keeps laughs and squirming* stop stop stop it tickles!
nuuuuu *zerberts your stomach*
*squels and giggles*
*kisses up from your tummy to your head* love you *starts tickling again
*giggles and starts laughing again* i.....love.....you.....yoo
haha I'll stop *sits down beside you*
*smiles and catches breath * thank you * lays head on your lap*
*messes up your hair* love you
* giggles* i love you too hunny. so whatcha wanna do? we could play a game
watcha wanna play?
truth or dare?
yeah you go first truth or dare
are you the cutest thing ever?
*blushes* i dunno...you seem to think so
I don't think so I know so
*blushes more* so truth or dare
dare ^-^
*amiles * shout out the most honest thing you can say
*Blushes dark red and looks down shyly*
truth or dare?
bae look at meh new collages
I dare you to do what ever you have on you mind right now even if you want me to buy you a giant unicorn
*giggles a bit* i want you to post a picture of you with cat wiskers on your face
ok anything for meh baby
*giggles and kisses your cheek*
I am the master at drawing Wiskers!!!
your turn to ask me cutie pie
*blushes* truth or dare?
dare!!!! *sings* cause I'm a dare devillllll
hmmmm.....*thinks* post the most embarassing oicture you can take to you account
urgh ok cute stuff
*giggles* youre the one who said dare
ok I posted it 0////-////0
truth or dare?
I dare you to post your first selfie you've ever taken
ummm....gimmie a minute to find that *blushes*
sorry cutie I'm back let's continue :p