Working on a edit


Working on a edit

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if u don’t mind me asking, what are you?
and why aren’t you proud? so people tease you? do ur friends not support you?
ok, well do you feel it’s much more than a faze (just checking)?
how do you respond when she says those things?
there is absolutely nothing wrong with being bisexual, I think ur mom is just in shock and doesn’t understand what it means cuz she is not bi, but if you just sit there quietly and say nothing while she continues to shove you down her hole, you need to speak up, talk back, and act! look if you show ur mom that it is real and she can’t do one damń thing about it, then she will leave you alone, if you get it out u will feel stronger, braver, and better cuz you won’t have her pinning you down anymore
so talk back to her the next time, speak ur right, and tell her that she has to except you for who you are, for ur sexuality, and let her know, that it’s not changing any time soon!
if u need more help let me know I’m here for you❤️❤️❤️❤️
did u talk to her yet?
k, just remember when she talks to you about it just tell her to stop and that you are who you and that she can’t change that, and tell her that it’s hard when ur own mom doesn’t accept you for who you are, and that you aren’t going to change, and that she need to accept that
Love ur account!😍🌻🌻🐨
have u tried talking yet? if u don’t want to tell me that’s fine❤️❤️❤️
It's Stary don't tell anyone please
((call me Ashlyn))