Made this for a contest!

Love the new font colors! The purple water color one was perfect for this collage!

I think I went overboard with the asterisks πŸ˜‚!

Background credit to @PIC-KLES! Her photos are AMAZING!


πŸ’œTAPπŸ’œ Made this for a contest! Love the new font colors! The purple water color one was perfect for this collage! I think I went overboard with the asterisks πŸ˜‚! Background credit to @PIC-KLES! Her photos are AMAZING!

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omg tysm for that amazing comment!πŸ’– I stand with everyone too😘
Oh, Np!! πŸ’š
True. 😐
Love your account! Would you like to do a collab? I could do the background!πŸ’•
Background for our collab! Please remember to put our usernames!
You can pick the quote!😘
I LOVE love LOVE this!!! Your whole account is absolutely stunning πŸ˜±πŸ˜πŸ’•