If you're not a feminist, why not?


If you're not a feminist, why not?

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so in Home ec, i was carrying a heavy box of folders, i was fine and a guy was like "here, i got it" and im like "no im fine, no worries" like politely and he keeps asking me and im like "MATE, IM FINE, STOP BEING SO SEXIST! I CAN LIFT THAT MUCH GOD!" now he's petrified of me *hair flip*
I'm not a feminist because women in America have all the rights they need.
rights, yes, it's more how society views women and expects us to act. râpe isn't seen as an issue by most, we're all expected to look a certain way, and as I said in the picture, I know people who actually believe they're stronger than me solely because I'm a girl and they're guys.
Preah it girl!
thank you! this is perfect. I am a feminist and hope to be an activist for woman's rights in the US as well as other countries. I also hope to work with HeforShe someday
my grammar stinks
this is great! I'm a feminist too, and I believe all the things you do. i just want women to AT LEAST get equal pay as men, and MAYBE be able to become pastors in the Catholic Church. I doubt that will ever happen because the church is so strict, but I think it would be cool to have woman priests in my church. so anyway... I'm with ya!
^there aren't female priests not because of "oppression" but because the Mass is supposed to be as close to the Last Supper as possible. and a woman priest would make it farther from real.
which means that feminism and equal rights shouldn't exist at all right? I'm sorry, God created us all and want us to be equal. I'm sure he's thrilled that any one, man or woman, is so close that they want priesthood