Collage by _Emo_Unicorn_


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Keely, I know I may sound crazy when I saw these but, before we met, when I was alone crying when my ex broke up with me, I heard a voice that kept saying your name over and over again. I believe the voice was destiny telling me hat me and you are meant to be together forever and ever. You're smile is best smile that I've ever seen in my entire life. Everything about you is perfect. You're a queen, model, my girlfriend, my future wife, my sound mate, my everything and my universe. Keely, I'd lay my life down for you so you could live, I'll do it in a heart bean. I'm crazy in love with you. Words alone can't explain how much I love you because I love you more than words can say. I would swim across the seven seas to protect you and hold you close to me. I'll do it even if I get eaten by a shark and I'll do it even if I drowned. My love for you won't be stop by obstacles that may be thrown in front of me cause in the end well have each other
I'll risk my own life to see you and save you, I'll do everything to keep you safe and happy
My sweetie ☺️❤️
I love you a whole lot and I promise I'll never leave you, I can't see myself being happy without you
You're the reason why I'm still alive, you're the reason for every amazing thing I do, cause you believe in me when no one els wants to
*Hugs* Ily
*Hugs* Ily.
Every word I just said is so beyond 100% true
*Hugs and kisses* My queen
My princess <3
My queen❤️
See my newest post, and read it plz❤️
I love it <3
*Holds you in my arms, wraps legs around you, hugs and smiles*
When should we video chat again next?
When do you wanna❤️
When you want to :P
*Kisses* Next week
Okay ^_^
Can we kiss on the screen❤️
Yeah. But like I said, I don't like getting close up to the camera.
Keely, you don't need makeup
I promise
*Kisses* Keely
Princess <3
*Hugs and presses my cheek onto yours*
*Smiles* Princess, what day next week?
*Kisses ear* Friday
*Blushes. Smiles* Alright.
*Keeps kissing your ear*
*Keeps kissing your ear* Ilysm2
Can I have a hug?
*Hugs* Of course my queen
Princess, can I go to sleep now?
Goodnight, Princess <3
Goodnight, Mrs Johnson <3