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very very handsome :) 🩵
*smiles and looks at you, shrugging gently* I don’t think your boring?.. *smiles as I offer you a paintbrush* are you okay with me calling you sweetheart? I just- I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way-
*smiles softly and crosses my legs over one another* okay :) I just, felt the need to ask *smiles as I dip my brush into the yellow paint*
*smiles and laughs as I hold my canvas flat* you can look at mine though, maybe I’ll give you inspiration sweetheart :) I’m excited to see your paintingggg. have you seen those videos where two people paint and one paints “will you be my girlfriend?”
that would be adorable *giggles and smiles as I wash my brush, and dabs my bristles into another color* I do like romantic things :) do you?
also, I do want to warn you, sometimes.. I can be clingy, and very affectionate. I’m the type of person that isn’t shy to say how much I care for someone, and I’ll make sure they know I care about them.. I just, I don’t want you to feel like I’m bothering you, being too much, or just.. being a burden in a way? I thought I’d give you a “warning” :)
I was just thinking about that and, I thought I’d say something :)
good morning sweetheart đź©· :)
yeah? *smiles as I paint my canvas* I’m glad I don’t have to feel super.. nervous around you. I tend to feel nervous *shrugs and smiles* how so?
*smiles as I reach other to gently cup your cheek into my hand for you to look at me* and that’s okay? maybe it’s the actions you do that show how much you care for someone. hey- *smiles as I show you my fairy painting that is now finished* this is showing me that you care about my interests :)
why thank you :) but hey, I’m excited to see what you painted *smiles as I turn my head away* I’m not lookinggg I’m not lookingggg