Collage by -jake-_


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ok all you gotta do is pop the question babe and I’m yours
that’s what i meant before it’s an abrivatisn
like I fûckin thought you found someone new
(abrviatian idk how to spell)
then what did you need to break to me
your a piece of fûckin shît🤬
oh so you were wanting me one minute then just all a sudden sry I’m with another girl that’s a shîîty àśś move
leave me the hèll alone
no the hèll I wasn’t you can fûckin ask anyone I’m true to my relationships and that’s says a lot since I’ve been thru hèll my 16 years in life
I have never broken up with anyone except my ex who cheated on me with my best friend but then again wth* am I talkin to you your in love with her not me you do t give a dàmn about me
If you in love with her then why are you still talking to me
bull shît I could have gave you everything more than her all you want is to hurt people
hey bby r u ok
like ur literally not on
hi, wanna continue our RP?
how many people have you cheated on??
I should've know
on PC
you've RPd with then stopped
yeah she prolly does
who is ur ex anyway
ah yeah um i don’t like u like that anyways 😂
and congrats