Collage by camquotes


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he's my favorite him and captain America
well I'm tlking to u 😂hbu?
sittin on my bed
about to leave
SAME it's just great
chillin in bed
oh I'm about to walk down tha street to Chloe's yeah and u don't know chloe
no haha I don't would you like to tell me or shall she remain a mystery
she is my well like my sister and I love her to death and I go to her house every night and we cuddle and watch movies and laugh ALL Night and I have known her since I was a little baby
ur parents r chill about it? or did u sneak
sometimes I sneak but if I'm gone they know I'm at Chloe's or I'm in the woods but they never know that I'm in the woods
ohh u 😂 well chloe seems cool
yea she is the best EVER and can I tell u something
yea sure
sorry I was late but ur a boy and u actually listen to girls and their problems and help them and ur just such a great dude
hey sorry I was asleep but yea I try it Matters