For this week's POV competition I will think of a number between 1-30, you guys will tell me privately your guess and the housemate that has the exact number or close number wins


For this week's POV competition I will think of a number between 1-30, you guys will tell me privately your guess and the housemate that has the exact number or close number wins

26 0
sorry I haven't been active in the game. I've been very busy
I sent you my number on Pic Chat
can I be Chloe east
Jordan Jones plz
plz explain to me how this works if Jordan is available
I'm v ray sorry but I can not play the game cause I can't get kik or any of those apps 😢 SORRY
@dancemomstumblr could get the part of Paige!
check out my latest post
my kik is Dancemomstumblr