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you're a jerk
why don't you check up on ebay and see if they have a life for sale. you really need one.
o and who are you to say that. look at you acting all grown up. you're just as bad. anyone recognise this edit?
who died and made you ruler. and yes i do recognise this edit! you stole it from dying_on_the_inside!
why don't you join a zombie crew cuz you need A BRAIN
just advertising
advertising? sheesh
yeah for DOTI!
what the heck is DOTI
look can you please stop you wouldn't like it if someone said mean things to u and don't say u don't care if someone did because you do just please leave her alone she has done nothing wrong
she said I'm mean hello!
yes because you called her annoying
step away from the phone!
why don't you just go back to the ender life o wait you are already there
this was stolen from kat thats actually illegal
I'm not stealing! I give credit!
where's the credit?
I don't see any credit
look at the remix I just put!
I said I gave credit!
you out your username over mine so it looks like you've made this collage. that's not credit to me, that's you taking credit for my hard work
no I'm not you can't just say that! I forgive you!
it suits my personality!
hey!! you stop being mean to dying_on_the_inside 😡 it's obvious she already has stuff going on so why add to it?
I forgive you for arguing. I 👊🏻 you. if I were being mean to DOTI then I would have a hatepage for her and not LiveLifeLoveLaugh!
this belongs to dying_on_the_inside
u stole this
who cares
ur a bully
bully smully