Good morning


Good morning

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Morning baby.
Morning, Angel
*Hugs* Ilysm.
*Hugs* Ilysm2
How're you?
Stressed out :(
How are you doing
Why're you stressed, Princess? I was feeling really shît before I got the adorable messages from you.
The reason that I'm stressed out I'd because I got a major Algebra test on Tuesday:(
Aw :/ It'll be okay.
I hope so. I always get stressed out when I got a major test to take, it's gonna be my third time taking that :(
Yeah, I understand.
Really 😘
Yeah <3
*Hugs* So what do you parents think of me?
They say that you're very kind, nice looking, cool, smart, talented and protective
and understanding
Aw ^_^ <3
*Holds you in my arms and smiles* Keely
*Smiles and whispers in your ears* How did you like your surprise that I gave you yesterday
*Smiles. Hugs* It was the best.
*Hugs and whispers in your ear* Good
*Smiles and hugs*
*Smiles and blushes*
*Smiles and blushes harder*
*Tackle hugs*
*Hugs and tickles*
*Smiles* Lets play wrestle
*Smiles* Sure.
*Smiles* Make the first move
Alright *Kisses*
*Kisses back*
*Gets on top*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*Smiles and blushes*
I'm winning.
Are you sure *Smiles*
*Gets on top*
Ilysm, Kate.
Ilysm2, Keely
*Smiles. Holds you*
*Smiles and kisses*
*Kisses back*
*Smiles and blushes*
*Smiles* You win.
*Puts you on top and smiles* You win
*Kisses back*
Do you want a prize since you won
*Smiles* Yes.
*Smiles and I remove my clothes* Come get your prize
*Kisses back*
*Holds you*
*Holds you closer*
*Wraps legs around you*
*Wraps my arms and legs around you*
*Lies with you*
*Rubs in between your legs slowly and smiles at you*
*Kisses you slowly*
*Kisses back*
*Looks downstairs and looks at you with a smiles*
*Looks back at you*
*Smiles and blushes* Keely
*Looks at you*
*Smiles* Can I put my hands downstairs while kissing your softly sexy lips
*Puts my hands downstairs while kissing your softly sexy lips*
*Moans* Kate.
*I put some romantic music on the radio and kisses you slowly*
How do you like your prize
I loved it.
*Smiles* Should I continue giving you your prize or should we go to a les/gay bar and have a few beers together
Your choice.
We go go to the bar, cause there's rooms there, we could find a room and I could continue giving you your prize
*We could
*Sits up*
*Sits up, hugs and kisses* Keely, Ilysssm forever and always
*Hugs* Lets get dressed
*i bend down so I pick up the bra and panties that I threw on the ground when we took off our clothes*
*Looks at you, smiles and winks* Would you like to slap my bútt
*Bend down and again to put on socks of my feet*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles* Slap my bûtt plz
You can slap it as many times you wanna slap it
*Hits it*
*Moans and smiles* More plz