James just left for band camp aghhhh this is so weird not going 🥺 so far they’re planning on doing the season and having a show still. it’s called “Shine” which’ll fit perfectly since the band is called “the flash of crimson” i’m sure they’ll use the flas


James just left for band camp aghhhh this is so weird not going 🥺 so far they’re planning on doing the season and having a show still. it’s called “Shine” which’ll fit perfectly since the band is called “the flash of crimson” i’m sure they’ll use the flas

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James just left for band camp aghhhh this is so weird not going 🥺 so far they’re planning on doing the season and having a show still. it’s called “Shine” which’ll fit perfectly since the band is called “the flash of crimson” i’m sure they’ll use the flashes on their uniforms again, but idk if they’re gonna use the flimsy stretchy ones we used last year or not 🤷‍♀️ they’re doing band camp every other day this week and it’s in three groups, James is in group two so he’ll only be gone from 1-4. they said on Wednesday old seniors can come by and pick up their awards for last year at 4 so maybe i can see James when he gets done right then :)
they’re trying not to cancel all of it.. but my county’s band directors got together and all agreed to not do any comps this year so I’m Super Mad about that because I’ll never have my last First Competition or my last last competition and we won’t even have a shot at winning grand champs again this year:((( were basically paying full band fees to be a football band:(