Collage by zh52000


15 0
i love that song
I just read something
she said something
idk you will have to talk to her about it
I don't know
I don't know
just so her her il lit here on
hey ~ Sophie
so I guess she is upset
she's been crying for like 2 hours something is going on
I know but her is locked so I don't know
I'll try
she yells leave me alone
I'll ask her
she said what
okay one sec
what's up why she mad
why it's fun
so what
ya okay
okay fine
nope but Angie is crying get eyes out a eating ice cream
she is in her room doing all three so crys loud
what would I do
like this her boyfriends fault like go on is account PC_teens then go on the one were redoing our bios
nope it's the one with is just girls
why what's worng
oh think so now that she's a bad girlfriend
she's is so bad
I fell bad for him he's got to put up with is
ya about what
are you mad
you know what now I'm not staying
your making jokes with her like really
she's glad Angie's boyfriends died don't u get you he hurt her do my heart hurts be before she left the house she took her journal and I have it
in going it go I have to wait he the hospital
don't worry go talk to your new bff
this is why bye
like I said I have problems and when something happens I can't control it
what thingy
speak English what thingy
Angie is breathing
yay but I'm still leaving she won't be anymore ether her boyfriends dead
tell me what
omg so was going to take those pills
I so was going to do it for sure bc 6 are in her pocket
I was going to say do you wan her journal * looks at you
here just look at it * gives it to you
she's told me to give you the 3 4 pages about you