Chat page with _ephemeral_


Chat page with _ephemeral_

13 1
Any ideas for our amazing collaboration and what would you like for the collage.
i was thinking maybe Taylor Swift as we both like her!! What about you??
That is a great idea doing Taylor swift I was thinking we could do a album aesthetic with it as an idea
for example golden hour aesthetic and fearless or retro for 1989 as some ideas
that’s great
i was thinking maybe a reputation retro style
that is a really cool idea doing reputation and retro.
With the collage would you like to do background or text.
text if that’s okay
You can absolutely do the text and I will do the background.
Just made the background what do you think?
I’ll do the text as soon as I can!!
thanks so much I did a combination of retro meets reputation with the background and the text will look amazing with the background
your welcome