Theme 1-Green 4/5
Inspired by the amazing: cpastel!!!! Please follow her if you haven't already!!! What would you give it on a scale of 1~10?


πŸ’šTapπŸ’š Theme 1-Green 4/5 Inspired by the amazing: cpastel!!!! Please follow her if you haven't already!!! What would you give it on a scale of 1~10?

86 1
I love this quote and collage!
haha πŸ˜‚
Haha I love the quote πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
11/10, it's a fantastic collage, keep it up:)
Omg! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to finish the collab! I get out of school early today because of thanksgiving, so I can get it done today
I hope you like the collab! sorry it took so long
it's my quote btw
oh yeah I forgot the names