


11 33
what's up??
like a public highschool bc i start that too??
im not ready
what why????
nooooo I'll miss you
but...but ur my best friend
okay 🀧
*hugs right back*
I'll try not to
okay πŸ˜…
idk just not about you leaving
what are you doing right now
i wish I was
watching pitch perfect 2
what's that mean though?? ☺️☺️☺️😊😊
oh thanks 😏 I think your perf too
to me you are
thanks so are you
sorry didn't mean that 😜
okay πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†
you want to play a question game
what is your fav movie
ur turn
Sit Still look Pretty by Daya.....any pets?
Daya yours?
on here? it would be you wbu?
Awwww thanks!!! what's your fav emoji?
nobody's ever said that I love it 😍 I don't really hv one. fav drink?
fav place to be?
to see you fav place to be?
oh sorry if want to be with you too
fav food?
ur an angel
fav city?
bye talk to you later... miss you
hey bestie you on???
hey Zac you on?? I wanna talk to you
ya your back!!!
ya you'll still be here πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
I'm so bored idk what to do with myself
why not?
oh okay
wait...wait...wait when's your birthday?????
bye πŸ‘‹ 😣
just tired
nah ill be fine wryd
nice lol πŸ˜‚
why you just sitting in a chair
okay bye πŸ‘‹