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OMG DON'T YOU JUST HATE IT WHEN YOU HAVE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF FOLLOWERS AND YOU GET EXCITED...BUT THEN someone UNFOLLOWS YOU!!!! so annoying...but anyways the cover for THE CROWN has been released...i'll attach it in the comments


Tap Here or read comments OMG DON'T YOU JUST HATE IT WHEN YOU HAVE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF FOLLOWERS AND YOU GET EXCITED...BUT THEN someone UNFOLLOWS YOU!!!! so annoying...but anyways the cover for THE CROWN has been released...i'll attach it in the comments

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OMG DON'T YOU JUST HATE IT WHEN YOU HAVE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF FOLLOWERS AND YOU GET EXCITED...BUT THEN someone UNFOLLOWS YOU!!!! so annoying...but anyways the cover for THE CROWN has been released...i'll attach it in the comments!! I am sooo freaking excited for this book and for so many other books that are coming out next year!!! I think it is 179 days till the crown...(i think) i also really want to know who they are gonna cast for the looking for alaska film!! I FINISHED OUTLANDER ( can i just 😍😍😱😱) if you want a review comment 📚 and if you have any preferences for pudge and alaska castings comment them too I'd love to see your opinion!!
aghhhh! I hate it when that happens!!! but OMG, YESSSSSSS I love the new cover!
btw, I finished the red queen and OMG!!!!!! it was amazing but I was just like agggghhhhhh
IKR! I can't wait till the next one comes out! 😊