my take on the current writing challenge, due in a week! this is more of an info dump than a story, but it incorporates some of the ideas I’ve been thinking about for my novel Luck of the Crown, though I don’t think I’d go to such extremes for that. but m


my take on the current writing challenge, due in a week! this is more of an info dump than a story, but it incorporates some of the ideas I’ve been thinking about for my novel Luck of the Crown, though I don’t think I’d go to such extremes for that. but m

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*(caption continued):but maybe?
Oohh interesting 💕
woahh this is really cool
we LOVE a good information dump and specially anything related to Hadrien. (Is Subai getting camera time at Luck of the Crown? 😂💘) Aghhh, this was GOOD—what I really like about your writing is that it always seems so carefully thought-out 😫✊🏽💘 and maybe I’m a biiiiit biased but reading this after Luck of the Crown and realizing there’s MAGIC in this world?! I AM WEAK 😫👏🏽💖
nouuuu omg your comments literally mean everything—they get the screenshots, the saved to favorites, the “please someone bury with these” because I respect and love your writing so much I- 😫✊🏽💘 and that’s that. AlsoOoooOo characters that come out of the blue are just the best in my opinion 😂✨ and omllll awaiting those drafts has me on the edge of my seat 🤩😂😫👏🏽 How’s Chapter 9 coming along? 😍✨
hey there awesome collager,I have an icon contest on my page, please check it out to win many PRIZES 🥰💓🌸 Artaddiction
OMG YES THE PILATES ONES ARE EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGG 🤩🤩🤩👏🏽👏🏽 I WAS thriving up till like three weeks ago 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ but we’re hopping back on it progressively 😂✊🏽💖 And YES to all music Harry Hudson—did you listen to “Intimidating” already? 🦋✨
wow so amazing!!!!
Hope the service does hold 😂🥰 And YES, I feel like he’s so underrated (??!) and my favorites of his are probably “Let Me” or “Pendulum” 🤤💖 What about yours? ☺️ And OMG DERMOT DID WHAT NOW THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW 🤯 About to go listen immediately
Okay. Okay that was gorgeous. “We used to be giants, when did we stop” AGH that’s SUCH a good line 😫👏🏽💘 BUT HOLY S*** the “will you remember those times that I have held until tonight? If you say you will, I’ll leave it all behind” part I- ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 I FELT that 😂💖