Cat cat 

I really have no motivation for anything. Barely enough to even get myself out of bed in the mornings. I’m just sick of life honestly.


Cat cat I really have no motivation for anything. Barely enough to even get myself out of bed in the mornings. I’m just sick of life honestly.

14 0
awe, sMol- and @caption ohnoo.. recently I’ve been feeling the same, but please don’t feel that way.! there’s a lot more to life if you’re patient.
ooh kitteh!
re//: well,, just wait longer. I don’t have anything to look forward to currently, and am starting to struggle with motivation but the place I wanna work will accept me in March. I’m clinging onto that. just look into your future and hang onto a point (could be graduating, getting your own house, your own pet) that you look forward to. other moments to look for will appear if you wait!
aww hey maybe try something motivational to get yourself motivated it does not have to be drawing but it could be like writing a story or writing down how you feel something like that it sucks that you feel unmotivated and don’t feel happy but life is worth living don’t give up on life or yourself
re: np I just hope you feel better yeah ik it’s hard but you will get there
*through it*
I feel you... I’ve been lacking in motivation a lot lately
I hope you start to feel better though
I usually try to make myself do something, even if it’s small
your cat is the cutest thing ever cxx😍😍
it’s Voodoo the cat!