Good afternoon! Just thought I'd do a quick after-school post! (I actually got out of school like 2 hours ago but whatever)


Good afternoon! Just thought I'd do a quick after-school post! (I actually got out of school like 2 hours ago but whatever)

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oh yes, when I was -lil_watermelon-! memories! πŸ˜‚πŸ’˜
hello!! I'm Mackenzie (but you can call me Mack if you want). I just joined PC and I decide to write stories instead of making edits because I'm not great at making edits. I appreciate if anyone sees this, will you please follow me? Thank you so much✨
Your #pconly collages are really good, way better than any of mine especially your color splotch with text over it ones, I wish I could give some of my features to you because you deserve them way more than me
I'm not just saying that either, you're REALLY good at choosing the fonts and outlines and stuff 😘 We should talk more we haven't in a long time