so making this collage, I was looking for a frame png and I saw the note pad one.  I almost had a heart attack bc I used to use that png aLL tHE tIME like 3+ years ago.  so idk man if you've been following me for that long (highly unlikely, but still) you


so making this collage, I was looking for a frame png and I saw the note pad one. I almost had a heart attack bc I used to use that png aLL tHE tIME like 3+ years ago. so idk man if you've been following me for that long (highly unlikely, but still) you

69 0 know what I'm talking about. I'd say half of my collages had that png & idek why. it was super ugly but anyways lol sO I obviously had to use it for this collage!!!! oh no sorry my caption was so long — (also highly unlikely but tell me if you remember me using it lol)
my gahddd, i do—i remember when that png used to be evErYwhERE AND I COULD NEvEr find it :') *coughs* but yes, this is gorgeous and thanks for the memories ❤️✌🏽
from the times when pic was all pastel
^Righttttt and Bright paste then there was all of the Rhonda collages
*pastel god dªmn
psshh ^^ all of theseee I remember being so god dang excited when I got that Rhonda app, and only now when I look back so I realize how much I dislike it. Either why wonderful collage👌👌
omg this png brings back memoriesssssss
This Is What PicCollage Looks Like Now. Feel Old Yet?
aww tysm😭💞
thanks for the spam!
thank you so so much.
thank you!
thanks cate 😇
absolutely amazing 💕💫💐
thank you i originally posted something really passive aggressive and then i deleted it alsjaksjs
hey!! I would love to be friends!!
I’m Courtney! nice to meet you cate!
aww thx! I’m very good! where r u from?