Collage by Mabinty_aaasss


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hey <3 nice collage 😝 I bet you made her feel awful πŸ‘πŸ» well done! hm, I wonder if she has problems at home? bonus! πŸ‘What a great feeling, making someone feel so bad that they jade themselves πŸ˜„ I wonder how many tears she cried πŸ€” Wow, how successful! you've official made someone feel awful inside, so worthless and pathetic because of how they look 😊 What a great person you are πŸ€— Oh! I wonder if she had cut her wrists yet? we'll see 😏 So congrats, you made a person miserable because you are weak and need to feel better 😍 WELL DONE YOU HEARTLESS SCΓ›MBAG
not jade, I mean hate
Good job Driftless! Good one ☺️😊
Bad one !
Driftless, u have another follower......
Amen Driftless!!!