so to take it slow i’ll be editing redsquare’s debut. mainly because they covered eyes and faces so to start it off slow i can start with practicing editing the hair


so to take it slow i’ll be editing redsquare’s debut. mainly because they covered eyes and faces so to start it off slow i can start with practicing editing the hair

20 1
pc seems really dead to me too :(
hey, at least you keep trying! <3 💗💗💗
reply from main// sksjsk lmaooo 😂
yeah pc feels so dead
I agree.. pc is kinda dead
yea pc is dead haha
hEy brooke pc is dead
also i cAn help you with video editing if u want
fr pc is dead
lol pc is making a comeback a little bit
yes pc is lifen’t
lol you'd think that more people would be active now
but i used to comment on your extras a lot (i'd literally make a point to) but like, half the time i'm late to the post bc i had my phone taken away (i'm on my chromebook rn ;-;)
lol anyway, i support your video eDiting, i'd love to see some whenever you make them hahah
hru tho?
ikr pc is dEd asf