This may not be there forever, but maybe it could help a little while it is up...


❤️ This may not be there forever, but maybe it could help a little while it is up...

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Wow 😞 That's terrible
That's so awful😔 But the sticky note thing is so beautiful🙂
Oh wow, that's horrible.😔 hope their families are doing okay.
that's horrible😭im so sorry🙏🏼my prayers go to u and ur school❤️and that message was beautiful. i have no suicidal thoughts and im a generally happy and confident person yet ur note still brought me to tears. beautifully expressed💕
thank u for that. that is exactly what suicidal people need to hear😭
the sticky note thing is such a beautiful and wonderful idea
This is beautiful, but so sad. I hope their families are okay... are you okay? did you know either one of them personally? 😭🙌😘💕
omg that is horrible but beautiful😭😭😭 (with the sticky note thing❤️)
This is what I needed to hear, thank you❤️
Thank you! You totally deserve to get featured, so I thought I'd go ahead and make that happen!
A while back I had to talk a friend out of committing suicide and it was one of the saddest things I've ever done. I'm so glad you posted this.
I just shared this with her and she started crying and said this was exactly what she needed to hear to make her keep living.
that's horrible 💕💓😪
that's horrible and sad but beautiful with the post it notes.I pray for those who lost their lives💕😭😭😭
This is such a great message!! So many people need to hear this! It's so sad how many people take their own lives every year..... They're in pain but when they commit suicide they're just passing off their pain to someone else... The sticky note thing is truly beautiful & amazing though, praying for the families 🙏🏻🙏🏻
beautifully said words. I hope that people are inspired by this💗my heart goes out to you and your school✨
This is so touching 😢
what a lovely and uplifting idea of that person!
that is so sad! I am so sorry😢💕
and the post it notes things is so sweet
are you okay!? if you need anyone to talk to I am here❤️️
I'm so sorry for your school's loss 😔 This is such an inspiration and moving lesson. Thank you for sharing this with us 💙