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but I want some support that's what a true friend would do
it's not a joke
yeah but that's life and also tell me
yeah thanks u are a great friend and also did u hear the news about Kent?
they found guns!
some where in Kent
what does raped mean?
in six months
yeah I know but I live in London and u live in Kent
cool but that isn't going to work with me
yeah I do but u live so far away and I need your help but it's ok I have friends that are closer
u are the best friend I have ever had
yeah it horrible can u tell your other friend to leave me alone she being mean!
yeah I know but how
I will do
yeah I know
u haven't done anything it's the other one
I'm here
guess who's here again!
I'm not the only one who is being mean, Beth is too, getting cyber bullied again, how can I handle it. you know Beth, you are really lucky having reefghoul by your side all the time. I had reefghoul but you stole her off of me so now I have no one
get someone else but she was mine first
can I say something
a yeah
we were all best friends on here, the three of us, what happened? can we plz be back to the way we were before
no I'm sorry
I'm the one that never gets a say
are we friends? you are confusing me, so are we friends?
yeah ok
plz spam me likes!!
aww guys its only one human who s on like taken is this some kind of like serial movie or something cheer up
and yeah there is someone who want to b friends wid u πŸ˜‰
cool how you did that???!!!!! that's awesome πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜œπŸ˜
thanks guys!
not really u?
why aren't you ok Beth? and hi reefghoul thanx for following me you two
I have had another allergic reaction! also where u live?
I can't say it's my private buisness sorry
ok well I'm sorry but I can't be friends
yeah if u are a doctor
cool do u know who else is on?
I don't know and no
I don't but where Molly?
no reason what u doing today?
I'm doing nothing
gtg bye
hi again
hi again reefghoul
are you going reefghoul
ok so we can chat
what's your name reefghoul
u guys r seriously confusing
so yeah plz explainπŸ™
and thx reef ghoul for spamming likesπŸ˜‰
umm hi
hi u ok?
ok thx for the spam
it's ok I feel like I have NO friends!
I did that cuz no one was chatting to me
it's ok
hey I'm Reefghoul's Boyfriend
who is it?
I'm her boyfriend, has she spoken of me
oh ok talk to her I'm going bye
go where?
no not really u?
hey girls what's up
nothing much just life being annoying to me!
I will be happy then
Hey guys I maybe leaving pic collage!πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜£
what!! Beth plz, reefghoul would be really upset
yeah I know but it is for the best
why not your life is better off with out me
cuz my life and my baby
no mine is bad my parents fight same with my siblings I cry myself to sleep
why nothing u have your own life
thanks I am thinking about staying
yeah maybe
I'm going on holiday all of next week so I will not be on!
u ok?
yeah I'm good
yeah I know! so what u wanna chat about?
no it was good sew little pigs but I fell over!
no get a graze on my tummy! and my hand and my toe hurts!
no I wasn't I was wearing a normal top don't know why
yeah I know, so u doing anything good?
nothing just texting u and watching TV!
milly Molly it my sisters programme!πŸ˜•u?
6:30-7pm ok bye
luv u sis
bye big sis