Love them 🔥


Love them 🔥

16 0
💙I'm Holly (:
aww holly is such a cute name 💛 I'm Morgan... well as you can already tell 💀😂😂
haha thank you 😊💓 ah I really like the name Morgan actually (: how are you ?
thank you 💖 & I'm actually really happy for no reason tbh 😂 but yeah I have to study for these stupid exams this week 💀
😂😂😂I'm always happy for random reasons and ew boring haha 😂💙
Ikr I have 2 spanish exams and 3 chem exams I'm ready to kms lol jk 😂💀
I know you do lol that's why we're friends 😂💖
@meg 😂😂😂💖
wooow Spanish sounds fun though 😂😂*^ your guys' friendship is goals oml💙😂💙