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...Can I have a hug...?
yesh *huggle*
.... *cries*
*looks up at you* why are you sad...?
Personal issues.
And I feel like everyone hates me.
oh...i don't hate you, and Toastdad doesn't, and my siblings don't, and your grandchildren don't
Also, when people give me compliments, I don't believe them. I don't know why I think people are always lying when they give me a compliment....but I wish that I could believe that the compliment was real.
I have a lot of other reasons why I'm depressed.
Here's another reason. My mom thinks I'm fùćking fat. She's trying too make me "lose weight." So my self esteem has been at an all time low. That's one of reasons why I hate myself too.
Jesus. my life sucks.