Please respond, I need help


Please respond, I need help

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honestly idk if it's possible >_< i've had the same problem recently and i tried so hard not to like him but it didn't work and i'm basically accidentally in love with him >_< i guess you could try to just stay away from them. that never helped me (because i can never stay away from him XD) but it might help you, it's something that just depends on who you are as a person. that's all i got, but i hope maybe i helped somewhat >_< (aND I HOPE YOU MEANT LIKE ROMANTIC LIKE BC THATS WHAT I WAS GIVING ADVICE FOR WHy did i write that in all caps ugh)
@MyChemicalEmo- Thank you! That is what I am having a problem with, and I agree that there's probably nothing I can do. Thank you for your advice!
you just don't. 👌🏻😝
just think (he's dead to me) find something to be mad at him for just don't show it.