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⛈☁️❄️👌🌧check comments!🌧👌❄️☁️⛈

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hi!!!!!!! I feel like it's been like 3 days since I've communicated with anyone. Last night I was up until 3:00 am doing homework... and I woke up at 6 am. So yes, I believe you can imagine my grades in school!! In Spanish we had a test (which I completely forgot to study for because of stupid freaking dumb homework) and I got %47... hehheehehehe... but honestly I don't care if I fail Spanish. I don't want to be bilingual. I can barely speak English. so thank you very much, but no. Spanish can actually just get out of life. Also, get this. I used my phone for only 15 minuets in the whole entire day. THE WHOLE ENTIRE DAY. So yeah, sorry I wasn't very active yesterday, I was just casually drowning in homework like you do.🙃
also sorry this sucks, I'm just so sleep-deprived. Oh, but what's that? I have more freaking homework?! YAY!⭐️I miss primary school a lot.🙃
Oh and one more thing I had school play auditions yesterday and I Had to go first and I nearly cried while singing my song. (Everybody in my school is required to try out for the play even if they don't want to.) I don't think I'm a horrible singer, I'm just extremely shy. After my audition I went to my chair and stuck my audition paper in my face and acted like no one saw that. Then my friends gave me thumbs up and that's when I officially wanted to dig a grave and lay there for the rest of my life. We find out who we get tomorrow. If I actually get the lead role (the one I auditioned for because I'm an idiot) I will feel very happy/WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF. Because on the day of the play I have to sing in front of my whole school/parents. AHHHHH NO. GOD. NO. WHY.
as you can see I wanted to just dish out my whole life for you guys today.
wow everyone's life is just going great 👍😒 I saw a trump protest today, that was fun 😂😬
I said feisty avacado bc my fren got all savage at lunch today and she was eating guacamole so we called her a feisty avacado 😂😂
and love you bio btw 😂 I this one is the most sarcastic you can get 🤗or 🙃
ikr she's such a feisty avacado tho 😂
your welcome you snazzy af tho 😂🔥