


25 4
what are y'all talking about in messages?? hehe
me going to to take medicine cuz I have a really bad headache and I hate taken medicine
yup that is good but listen to your bae!
nah I don't need medicine all I did was fall off the toilet lid thing cuz I was clean I somehow hit my head on the toilet then turned an hit the wall and broke the lid thingy
how did that happen if i may ask^^^πŸ˜‚
I was cleanin and I fell down and when I fell that ^^ happened and I didn't cry scream anything I just looked around like what just happened and got up and got a headache
omg thats so funny and are u okπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜¬
yeah just a really bad headache
omg u ok
o god well go lay down or somthingπŸ˜‚