what do you do when nobody loves you


what do you do when nobody loves you

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I eat until my sorrows go away or I starve until im forced to eat
because I dont look like a guy and no one loves me and i got rejected and- i dunno
oH geez uh- im surprised. why tho im trash-
me? cute?! wowhdienfoaplwf wHAT... i uh. thanks. also are ye genderfluid or what...? just curious :P
nah i was curious because a few things in yer posts confuzzled me, i dont look down on cis people because IM NOT RUDE
also do ye still liketh me or wha...? ._.
ahhhh thats nice to know (i try to keep tracc of who has feelz for me cuz if not i’ll get sad)
yEA SAME HEREEEE... :’/ single and lonely as usuall
im awkward sorry
re Hallå -w-
re I’m doing fine, tho I feel fūcking drunk..
re don’t ask, idk why K
re y e a, I’m annoying my bf so much rn -w-,