This reminds me of yesterday


This reminds me of yesterday

23 0
for who
o so how do you think I'm doing on the promise
it look dope
going to stay here and watch YouTube
no on notibility
nah just friends
so am I I'm text and doing homework
who do you have for math
I'm going to say it
but sorry I didn't say it to mess with you I said it to tell you what I was going to say
aye u gonna come over tomorrow for late start tell ur mom
angel ask her
she said no
what the fรปฤk did you do to precious ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„
tell you tomorrow
no tell me now
know what nvm I don't wanna know anymore forget about it
ok I told her that I was going to say something I'm not going to tell you what I said but I promised her I wouldn't say it but I said something similar to it and she flipped. so yeah Ive been Messi up a lot lately sorry
I don't think we should talk anymore I'm sorry
what happened
angel answer
what do you mean what happened all I did was tell her that I was sorry and that I wouldn't tell her that any more
y do u seem like you don't care that we don't talk anymore
it looks like I don't but I'm ๐Ÿ’ฉhow do I say this with out being weird in the inside it hurts
I just feel like there's a lot of things happening right now like drama ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„
you want to talk about it after school
I have to do something after school
tomorrow at lunch
it's gonna be awkward
angel ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ 
omg don't answer then be like that
sorry my iPad got taken away I just got it back
can't right now I have a game
omg there r u done ๐Ÿ™„
hi I just got back from my game and it will not be awkward if it fixes things well to me
bruhh u don't even answer
if you don't want to work things out it's your call