I am going to kill people who mess white my friend sophie. //Justin


I am going to kill people who mess white my friend sophie. //Justin

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nope im compeletly single *blushes* u have a crush on me?
um ok may i ask why i mean no one is really instrested in me bc im a suicidal sycopath if i put it in their words
cuz I think ur cute. and please don't reject me because my friend Jake killed himself because of one girl who rejected him. //Justin
i wont reject u lol, it must be hard to lose a friend, ik bc i lost all my friends and my bf my bf killed himself the day after i turned 14 and my friends abandonded me on easter
im really sorry
it's fine.
so...wdyw to talk about
uh ok
uh ok, i really am to trusting i should have listened to luke, bye😔im sorry i didnt know
babe no!
y not 😧
i wont im sorry