Chatpage for.....voidedFiber


Chatpage for.....voidedFiber

10 0
alright nice
Lol guess how many friends I have....5 if you include my brother...6 I'm a sad person 😂I think Ima buy Xbox live is it worth the money??
I feel bad for skiing but what age are you 😛 I'm 11
I think I will get it then!Nice but I just turned 11 on August 13Th 😂Yo older dan me
I hate it soooo much my internet is less than 1mb 😭
yea but hopefully it will be done overnight is we can play after your school tommorow
I'm English so tbh when we talk 2morrow don't expect something normal except a verryyyy strong British voice (Haha unless you don't want to hear me 😂)
god is a a hole he let his son die he could've saved him but no.