My older brother is autistic and he's one of the smartest people I know, and people are completely shocked when they find out he has autism. Autistic people aren't all those spazzy "weird" kids who can't comprehend what is and is not socially acceptable,


My older brother is autistic and he's one of the smartest people I know, and people are completely shocked when they find out he has autism. Autistic people aren't all those spazzy "weird" kids who can't comprehend what is and is not socially acceptable,

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caption continued: and more people need to understand that
yo seriously Autistic people are the best
like they're so freakin cool
and they're, like, gENIUSES
I've only met like one person, but yeah
I have an older brother whose Autistic as well. He’s a great person like pretty much every autistic person
I agree with this so much
One of my really good friends is autistic, and I honestly had no idea until she told me.